Ovarian Cancer Canada leading new research initiatives in Nova Scotia that will impact Canadians across the country

Ovarian Cancer Canada is leading an international movement to galvanize Canada’s ovarian cancer research community.

This effort has increased research capacity, unlocked insights into rarer forms of the disease, addressed urgent needs for data and tissues, and brought hope to thousands of women and their families.

Ovarian Cancer Canada is proud to announce that the following researchers will receive funding in support of their projects as outlined:

  • Dr. Jeanette Boudreau, Dalhousie University: Ovarian cancer in Nova Scotian patients: a longitudinal study to define alterations permitting tumor relapse and identify novel opportunities for intervention
  • Dr. Robin Urquhart, Dalhousie University: Understanding ovarian cancer care and outcomes in Nova Scotia: an investigation using population-based linked data
  • Dr. Stephanie Scott, Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA): Ovarian cancer biobank

These projects will fill gaps in ovarian cancer treatment and access, identify novel treatment opportunities, and empower leading minds from Nova Scotia as part of Ovarian Cancer Canada’s nationwide network of researchers and physicians identifying more precise treatment opportunities.

Thanks to a $1 million commitment from the government of Nova Scotia, these efforts to rally and empower Canadian researchers continue to grow.


We are committed to fostering deep collaboration by research scientists across Canada... we can and will improve outcomes

CEO Tania Vrionis

“We are committed to fostering deep collaboration by research scientists across Canada, and to continue to advocate for funding that attracts leading minds to this field, and supports programs that provide the raw materials researchers need,” explains Ovarian Cancer Canada CEO Tania Vrionis. “With the support from our community, partners and commitments like the $1 million investment by the government of Nova Scotia, we can and will improve outcomes.”

Through this nationwide consortium of scientists and physicians that has mobilized to improve outcomes, Ovarian Cancer Canada stands shoulder to shoulder with people diagnosed, as well as those at risk and their families. “We are deeply committed to improving lives,” Vrionis says. “We are determined to help people living with and at risk of ovarian cancer in Nova Scotia, across Canada, and around the world live fuller, better, longer lives.”