Every dollar entrusted to Ovarian Cancer Canada is put to work immediately to improve outcomes for those living with this disease, and others who are at risk.

We strive to maintain the highest level of financial integrity.

We are proud to meet the rigorous accountability guidelines of the Imagine Canada’s Standards Program.

Accredited since 2014, Ovarian Cancer Canada meets the highest standards for excellence and compliance in nonprofit board governance, financial accountability and transparency, fundraising, staff management and volunteer involvement.

As the only registered Canadian charity solely dedicated to overcoming ovarian cancer we have proven excellence in nonprofit accountability, transparency and governance.

Imagine Canada logo.

Report to the Community

The Report to the Community enables you to see your gift in action. Ovarian Cancer Canada is affecting change, spanning from prevention, access to drugs and care through to research that is already changing lives. We are here for all of it, as much as we continue to be here for everyone who needs us.   

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to the teal community, including those affected by this disease and their families, community champions, advocates, donors and partners across the country supporting this cause. Together, we continue to advance progress and save lives.

See what we accomplished together in the latest report:

Registered Charity Information

Our official Registered Charity Information Return (T3010) can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website.

You can help

We have a vision of a future where ovarian cancer is preventable, curable, and ultimately eradicated.

Learn how you can make an impact