Chair, Board of Directors and Member, Executive Committee
CEO, Futurpreneur Canada
Karen Greve Young is the CEO of Futurpreneur and Chair of our Board of Directors. With her extensive experience leading successful, purpose-driven non-profits, Karen brings expertise that will help us achieve meaningful impact for women facing ovarian cancer.
Karen’s connection to our work is deeply personal, stemming from her mother’s diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 1999. “My mother was only 54 years old when she was diagnosed. We were very fortunate to have four and a half “bonus” years with her after her diagnosis – years in which she met my husband, danced at our wedding, and learned that her first grandchild was on his way. However, those were hard years – she was in nearly constant treatment, persevering with style and grace through the typically brutal array of side effects, and she passed away before my son was born. She not only missed becoming a grandmother, but she lost a third of her life, taken from us at the young age of 58.
Karen contrasts this with her mother-in-law’s experience with breast cancer:
“Thanks to advances in treatment, my mother-in-law lived over three decades beyond her original breast cancer diagnosis, becoming the beloved nana to her teenage grandkids. The difference in outcomes between her experience and my mother’s represents an incredible opportunity for Canadians to transform outcomes for women facing ovarian cancer – which can be achieved by catalyzing and funding the lifesaving, patient-centered research that Ovarian Cancer Canada is so focused on.”
Inspired by our vision, Karen believes that after 60 years without change, we can improve outcomes for women diagnosed with this disease, “I dream of the day when deaths from ovarian cancer are zero and I am grateful to be able to contribute to OCC’s vital work making that happen as a member of the Board”.