About OVdialogue

Welcome to OVdialogue, an online community that allows people experiencing ovarian cancer to connect with each other to share advice and encourage each other. This site was developed to allow you to share your experiences and opinions, and to learn from others who have experienced what you are experiencing.

Please note that OVdialogue is a public platform. This means that the posts you share can be viewed online by others. This helps people with ovarian cancer find our community and connect with you. To protect your privacy, we encourage you to use a nickname as your Username instead of your real name. Always be mindful of what you disclose and never share personal details that you are not comfortable making public. Any information you share with Ovarian Cancer Canada (OCC) to create your account on OVdialogue such as your name, email address, and province of residence, will be kept private and protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy ( (read in english ou read in french). If you decide to make changes to your privacy settings on OVdialogue, it’s essential to understand how those adjustments might impact what would become public and consider what feels comfortable for you.

All information shared on OVdialogue, including messages, images, tips, URLs and other materials, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your physician or other qualified health professional if you have any questions regarding your health. Never disregard medical advice from a healthcare professional or delay in seeking care because of something you have read in the community.

OVdialogue is a resource offered by Ovarian Cancer Canada, the only national health charity in Canada focused on uncovering key discoveries that can change the reality of an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Ovarian Cancer Canada staff alongside a team of individuals with lived experience, known as the Moderator and Community Champions, act as moderators for OVdialogue. The moderation team is identified by ribbons showcasing their role.

Posts in OVdialogue are displayed immediately. They are not verified before being published. To ensure compliance with the Community Guidelines, all interactions may be subject to moderation by the moderator team. OVdialogue also relies on its members to report any inappropriate content. If you see an inappropriate post, please report it immediately by tapping the “Mark As Inappropriate”.

The goal of moderation is not to censor, but rather to ensure that OVdialogue is a community that is respectful and collaborative space for all members.. If moderators discover misleading or harmful information, they reserve the right to modify, move, close and delete discussions. Members who do not comply with the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines will be subject to prior moderation and may be suspended or banned from OVdialogue. Decisions made by moderators are final and will be discussed only with the member in question.

If you have any questions about OVdialogue, please email OVdialogue@ovariancanada.org or call 1-877-413-7970.

OVdialogue Community Guidelines

To ensure the best possible experience on OVdialogue, we have established some basic community guidelines. By joining and using this community, you agree that you have read and will follow these community guidelines. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate participation in this community for anyone who violates these rules.

  • Protect yourself and others: Remember that posts are public and can be found by search engines, this is to enable others looking for support to find OVdialogue. Protect your privacy by selecting an alias as your username and reveal only what you feel comfortable sharing. Be mindful of what you are disclosing about yourself. Do not disclose others’ information that is shared on this platform. Respect the anonymity of others by only referring to people by their username.
  • Medical advice: Sharing personal experiences is encouraged, but what works for one person may not work for another. For specific medical concerns, and/or before implementing ideas from this site, please speak to a qualified healthcare professional. Ovarian Cancer Canada does not endorse the suggestions made by users of the platform.
  • Respect others: Practice tolerance to ensure that OVdialogue is an inclusive environment. While you may not agree with everything you read, please voice your opinions politely. Users must refrain from making false, harmful or otherwise offensive statements about others. When creating a post, avoid typing in ALL CAPS as this is perceived as yelling.
  • Move discussions forward: Search before posting to see if there is a related discussion already underway. When contributing, stay on topic to advance the conversation and avoid repeating posts from other discussions.
  • Tag other members: @ mentioning to tag members’ usernames in your posts is encouraged to bring people into a relevant discussion.
  • Take ownership: Take responsibility for the quality of discussions you are involved in. Respect differences of opinion and consider how your contributions may impact others.
  • Be yourself: Do not impersonate another person or entity or misrepresent your affiliations.
  • Content restrictions: Commercial postings, advertisements, solicitations, surveys, and unlawful content will be removed. To post copyrighted material, you must own the copyright. If you wish to quote content from elsewhere, be sure to acknowledge the original source.
  • Report misuse: Each post has the option to report spam or inappropriate content. To do this, please press the ^ beside the ‘Reply’ button to show the drop down options and then select ‘Mark As Inappropriate’ to report it to moderators.

Terms of use

OVdialogue is Ovarian Cancer Canada’s peer online community designed to support people affected by ovarian cancer. This is site is subject to the terms of use as outlined in the OCC website terms and conditions (read in English or lire en français). In addition, the following are terms of use for OVdialogue. 

By using or visiting OVdialogue, you agree to these Terms of Use (the “Terms”). We may update these Terms from time to time, and your continued use of the website means you’re on board with any changes.

Sharing your content By contributing content (i.e. posts, profile information, or files) to OVdialogue, you retain ownership of your content. However, you grant OCC a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display your content in connection with the platform’s purpose. OCC may use content to promote the community, but your personal information will not be shared without your consent. We respect your contributions and ask that you keep this in mind as you share.

Public nature of content OVdialogue is a public platform, and the posts you share can be viewed by others, including through search engines. To protect your privacy, we encourage the use of a pseudonym as a username. Be cautious when sharing personal information. OCC is not responsible for any consequences that arise from users disclosing personal information on the platform.

Medical disclaimer Our website is designed to provide general information and is not a substitute for professional advice; Always consult a healthcare provider for professional medical advice and guidance. OCC does not endorse or verify any medical information shared by users and is not liable for the consequences of acting on information shared within the platform. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site. For medical, legal, or other professional services, please consult a qualified expert.

Your privacy matters We value your privacy and do not share personal information with third parties, except when required by law or in response to formal complaints. Your personal information is protected under Ovarian Cancer Canada’s Privacy Policy (read in English or lire en français). We take reasonable precautions to protect your data but cannot guarantee absolute security. Users are responsible for safeguarding their login information.

External links Posts may link to other websites for your convenience. These links are provided as a resource, and we encourage you to review the privacy policies and terms of those sites. OCC does not endorse or assume liability for the content on external sites.

Positive engagement We encourage positive and respectful interactions. Please refrain from posting content that could be misleading, harmful, or illegal. Also, only share material you have the right to use. OVdialogue is moderated by OCC staff, community moderators and community champions, whose role is to ensure the platform remains a positive space for all to engage. Posts are not pre-screened but may be reviewed and removed if they violate these Terms or the Community Guidelines.

Responsibility and integrity You’re in charge of your posts and their impact. While we strive to maintain a high standard, Ovarian Cancer Canada doesn’t endorse or guarantee the accuracy of user-generated content. We may occasionally update or remove content to ensure a positive experience. By using the site, you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise standing in violation of any law.

What’s not allowed We want to keep our community free from advertisements, chain letters, and other solicitations; any such posts created by users will be removed from OVdialogue. For business inquiries, please reach out to us at OVdialogue@ovariancanada.org.  We reserve the right to manage content and memberships to ensure the best experience for everyone.

Termination of Access OCC reserves the right to terminate your account at any time for any reason, including but not limited to violations of these Terms or the Community Guidelines.

Respecting intellectual property Our website’s content is protected by copyrights and trademarks and is meant for your personal, non-commercial enjoyment.

Limitation of liability Enjoy exploring our website. It’s provided “as is,” and we aim to offer a reliable platform, but we can’t guarantee that everything will be perfect. OCC is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the platform or its content. Use of the site is at your own risk.

Our agreement These Terms, along with any additional guidelines outlined in our Privacy Policy, User Consent, and Community Guidelines form the complete agreement between you and Ovarian Cancer Canada regarding the use of our website. OCC reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. Any changes or modifications must be made in writing and posted by OCC. Continued use of the site following changes indicates acceptance of the updated Terms.

We’re excited to have you with us.